Thursday, November 16, 2006
I can't believe Christmas is so close already. It's unreal. I think I've got the boys' shopping done. I have no clue what to buy some of my family. I'm at a complete loss. I don't want to do the same food baskets I've done in the past. I made my grandmother a towel "cake" 2(or 3) years ago bc I knew she wanted towels and this was a unique way to "wrap" them. As of last year, they were still in cake form bc it was "too pretty" to take apart. She uses them as a Christmas decoration in the bathroom. I take it as a compliment. I do think I'm going to make some photo calendars using my digital scrapbooking kit and have those printed for gifts. I guess gift cards will be in store for a lot of people. I just don't see them very often or they don't need anything.
Keela, I know you like to read what everyone's buying the kids so here's our list (LOL) There may be more I'm forgetting.
Logan- Mack (Cars) playset, FP digital camera, 2 wooden Thomas trains (if they get here in time), Ramone and Luigi (Cars) playsets, Cars carrying case/racetrack, hooded towel and we make fix up a bike he has in the shed.
Ian- Vtech Smartville train and ice cream shoppe, TMX Elmo, Thomas stuffed train, Playful Puppy thingy (moves and makes noises), hooded towel
Ok, I can't think of anything else to write right now. I know there were some very cute Loganisms recently but my brain is tired and doesn't remember them. I hate that I can't remember them. It's like a piece of childhood gone.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Accident prone or clumsy?

Christmas is coming!! Oh my it got here fast. I went thru my bedroom aka storage area on Saturday to see just what kind of stuff I've collected. I have so many toys it's ridiculous. I tend to buy things when they are on clearance and then I have stuff for Christmas, birthdays, etc when I need it but I still have stuff in there from 2 years or more ago. LOL I'm Ebaying a FP Powertouch system and books that I bought. I've got games that will be gifts this year. I've got some unopened stuff that was a gift to me that I need to re-gift or sell or something. (no more candles/candelabras please
As for my WL, I'm up 0.6 this week. My hands are a bit swollen feeling though this morning so I'm going with water weight as the culprit.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
I'm sad
On to happier thoughts- I'm finally redecorating my guest/hall bath. I got a cute monkey curtain from Target and we bought paint today. We're also looking for a new door for the front of the house. The one I like has to be custom ordered which adds like $300 to the price. Ouch! It's a medium oak fiberglass door with an oval window with zinc etching. I'm not a big fan of the brass etching I saw. My BIL will be here painting the outside of the house while we're on vacation. I can't wait to see it when we get back!
I can't believe our vacation is coming up so quickly either. I'm so excited though!! I just can't get tired of Disney. I'm telling you, I'd live at Cinderella's castle if they let me! (don't worry Julie, you can come visit! LOL)
Scary news- Friday night Logan, Ian and I were eating at the table. Dh had a computer case in the middle so I couldn't see Ian but I heard him fussing. I ignored him for a minute or 2 and then CRASH- he was on the floor. He was in his booster seat and had somehow pushed his chair and it fell backwards. The dogs' bowls were right behind him and it has a metal pole that goes up in between them. The pole went thru the slats of the chair and was no more than 1/2inch from his head. If Ian had fallen to the side a bit more, it could have been tragic. He was shocked but fine. It freaked me out though!
What else...Let's see...hmm...Julie has lost her artsy phartsy mojo so if anyone sees it, please contact me so I can get it back to the rightful owner. Thanks! LOL
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Down on the farm and meltdowns
We also had a playdate scheduled for the afternoon. Usually I wouldn't do 2 playdates in one day but I knew there were some new members coming and I wanted to be there to meet them. This is where Logan comes in. I know he's tired poor baby. He was playing with Hayden and Hayden walked away. Logan starts just crying "I want my Hayden back". LOL! It was so cute. Then, he and Alex were playing on the handicap swings and I guess Logan was pushing Alex and the swing came back and smacked him in the face. I'm across the park where I can see him but of course I wasn't looking at the time. I heard his wail though and knew immediately it was him. Amazing how you know your child's cries. He's now the proud owner of big swollen under eye. I bet it will be a shiner tomorrow but we'll see. On the way out, he wanted to push the stroller "all by myself!". I insisted on helping him bc it was turning all wonky (thanks for the word Julie) and that led to another meltdown. Sigh...I was so glad when dh got home and I was able to take a small break. Dh even gave both boys a bath for me. Yea!!! Now I'm busy blogging when I really should be working. I typeset the promotions for dh's company which gives me some play money every few months (yeah, like I don't play with the everyday money too! LOL). Here are some pics from today!

Monday, November 06, 2006
Donald Duck! (and poison control)
My 1st (I think) call to poison control was today. Yippee. NOT! Logan started having what seemed to be diarrhea but it was only a little bit. I was sitting in the bathroom with him and he said his tummy hurt and "that" tasted yucky. I was like, What tasted yucky? He pointed to the TILEX bottle! OMG! I asked him if he sprayed it in his mouth and he said no but how would he know it tasted bad? The bottle said to give him water and call the DR. I called PC and they took the info and said if his lips aren't swelled (it's a corrosive) and he's acting fine, then he's fine. It wouldn't have caused diarrhea she said. Thank goodness for PC!
Silly girls!

I had the best time yesterday. It was one of those face-aching smiling, laughing til you cry, snorting good times. Amy, Jen, Julie and I went park hopping at Disney. What a hoot they are! I'm so inhibited compared to them. It was just us girls, we left all the kiddos home. Mission Space was an awesome ride! We did the more intense side and it was so much fun. We wanted it to last longer (well, maybe Amy didn't LOL). We ate at a few countries. Noone would try my escargot and it was yummy! We had sushi, cold noodle salad, baklava, greek salad, goat cheese tartlet, and more. Mmm.

Hopped over to MGM and did the Rockin Roller Coaster and Tower of Terror (so fun!). As we were walking into the park, everyone was lined up for the parade to start. Not even thinking about it, but trying to avoid the crowds on the sidewalk, we walked down the middle of the road. Several people started clapping for us. We were the parade! Hehehe.
Hopped on the bus to MK where we went to drive the cars first. Okay, I'm a good driver IRL but I SUCKED at driving this car. The steering was on the right side and I had to use my left foot. No matter how little I touched the wheel, we'd go all the way over to one side or another. Thank goodness for the mini barrier under the car so you couldn't plow into someone else! LOL OMG I'm cracking up just thinking about Julie and I in the car! She was dying laughing and Jen and Amy were laughing at us. Poor people next to us thought we were going to hit them a few times! ROFLMAO! I was so glad when it was over. The teacups were hilarious as well. Julie and Jen wanted to spin fast so they rode together and Amy and I rode together. They were a riot! They were squealing and throwing their heads back so they were practically upside down. Too funny! This pic is probably too small for you to see Julie's smile. Jen's got her head thrown back. It was hard to take a pic while spinning!
On to the Haunted Mansion. Jen had been on it years ago and tried to do the sinister laugh along with the recording, only it ended up being SO loud! I think everyone outside heard her! LMBO! We also went on the Thunder Mountain RR and I'm not sure what got them going but Amy started laughing and the sound of it got Julie laughing and then we were all laughing. Quite contagious(that's where the snorting comes in too)! We did get to see the fireworks before leaving the park. I get chills everytime I see them. It is magical. If it's that magical for me, I can't imagine for someone who is seeing them for the 1st time. It was a wonderful day and one I'll never forget. I hope we can do it again one day!! Thank you to my wonderful girlfriends for going!! Not sure what I'd do without you guys!
Oh I almost forgot. Julie loves to people watch so she noticed this guy while we were watching the flag lowering. Amy was trying to take a picture on the fly but being the Amy she is, she walked up to him and asked to take a pic of his hair. You have to be pretty secure to put purple paint, mickey confetti and a Mickey mouse head in your hair(on the back)!