Friday, March 30, 2007

Too quiet

I knew it was too quiet.....

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Ian thought he'd rummage the drawers of the kitchen while I was getting ready to go out. Nothing like chocolate chips before dinner!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Reminder to Self

Dh is never to start a home improvement project again by himself or with his brother no matter how much it will save us!!!!

We bought our door a few months ago. Had dh and BIL "install" it but it was never finished (shimming wasn't done). Dh made it sound relatively simple so he tried it last night. 4 hours later and me taking the iniative to call my dad, it still isn't done so they NAIL the frame up. It was stuffed with newspaper around the edges to keep the bugs out overnight. OMG. This morning I frantically call a bunch of handymen who a) don't do that kind of job or b) don't answer the phone. Thankfully dh knows someone who was able to come over and almost finish the job. His wife finally went into labor so he's 3/4 of the way done. He's a neighbor though so I know where he lives! LOL He did come back after checking her into the hospital so he could at least put up the casing out front and foam between the wall and frame. No bugs tonight! I'm going to have him do some other stuff like tiling (his everyday job) the bathrooms, caulking our siding (another project half done!), and maybe finish painting the back area dh never finished (see?!).

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Fave blogs

Taken a cue from a few friends, I thought I'd pass along my fave blogs to read.
Julie- witty, funny friend of mine
Fug- Makes fun of the clothes of celebrities 99% of the time- sometimes there's a compliment thrown in!
Grey Matter- all about Grey's Anatomy.
Amy- when she updates it that is!
Celebrity babies/moms and breastfeeding
Here's the home link to the Celebrity babies page
Hot Momma Gossip- more celebrities
Perez Hilton- sometimes! He can be mean!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Previous post

Boy I was rambling- must have been tired (and bored).

Friday, March 23, 2007

Son of a biscuit!!!

I just typed out a HUGE, LONG post and Maxthon ate it! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, I was saying I was very bored but since I have to retype this whole post all over again, guess I won't be bored anymore. Grrr. Now I have to remember what I was talking about. Not that any of it is super funny or interesting. LOL

Dh is sick- not a kickin your ass sick, but a stuffy nose sick. He was fine all day long, he worked his normal job, took a side job at lunch, came home and ate dinner, got grumpy and was sick all of a sudden. So he puts on a movie for Ian (after I already told Logan no and I was trying to spend some one on one time with Logan) and falls asleep on the couch. When he wakes up, he says he has no energy and does Benedryl make you sleepy? Uh YES! Men.

Logan is too smart! He has this 48pc dinosaur puzzle that is super long- like 4ft. Once we get going, he can finish it pretty quick. As I was putting it away earlier, I noticed a new puzzle in the top of his closet. When I pulled it down, it fell so I had to put it together. It wasn’t easy! When Logan saw it though, he got really excited and did better than me at putting it together. He’d never even played with it before. He amazes me.(side note: Anytime Ian sees a dinosaur, be it puzzle or toy, he lets out this really cute roar/growl sound. I love it! )

Cute conversation-
I made Logan a fruit shake tonight since he was “still hungry”. Afterwards, he wasn’t hungry anymore according to him. Until that is, dh decided to make popcorn. Logan ran into the room and said dh was making popcorn. I said “but you aren’t hungry anymore” and he replied, “I am now!” LOL

Ian has started saying uh-uh (no) and uh-huh (yes) instead of uh-uh for everything. The way he says his uh-huh(yes) is too cute though- his voice goes into this soprano at the end. It’s hard to imagine, I guess you just have to be there or be me. :D

I’ve been trying to curb his screaming, I stick him in his room each time he starts or at least threaten to. So far, so good. He knows I’m not playing. When I ask is he’s done, he’ll tell me uh-huh. I also make him say he’s “sorry (orry)”. Little booger has figured out how to take off the foot pedal on the baby gate to get out though.

We went to the zoo yesterday with some playgroup friends. We had fun. I think I need to take them more often though. I feel like I could make it more educational if I took the time to read the signs on the cages/pens to Logan. I just don’t usually like going by myself and I don’t want to hold back anyone else. I did get to see a mommy meerkat nursing her pups- while standing up! So cute! Ian still isn’t a big fan of the water fountains, he liked splashing his feet in it but if I splashed some cold water on him, he’d yell “oooucchh”. ROFL. I guess he only likes warm water- he always runs to the tub when I say bathtime.

Dh will be gone all day tomorrow and on Sunday my MIL and the contractor will be coming by. I really need some down time. I thought about going shopping and using my NY&Co coupon ($75 worth of clothes for $45) but I don’t think I can spend the money right now and I don’t really *need* clothes. I haven’t gone down another size yet. I did lose another half pound though which brings me to just over 70lbs lost. What to do, what to do?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


The missing sandal has been located. Yippee! And thank goodness, I was planning on buying more today and decided not to. Dh was cleaning up Logan's room and found it. I don't know where, I looked in there twice!

New room!

Dh and I made the decision to add a room onto our home. Our loan has already been approved and we have someone lined up to do the room. It really won't cost us much more a month than what we're paying already since the van will be paid off. Plus, the loan is from Primerica and it will be paid off in 15-18 yrs even though it's a 30yr loan(depending on how we work it). They want to start within the next week! Wow. It should only take 4-5 weeks too since we'll be their main project (dh knows them). I'm excited about it. I know this won't be the answer to all our home dilemnas but it's a start. It's basically going to be another family room where we can entertain and keep at least one PC and some toys. If we want another baby, we'll need a new house or we'll be bunking kids together which I'm not thrilled with (I hated sharing a room). That's our big news!

Other not so good news- still can't find that missing sandal and it makes me so mad!! I can't believe I'm going to have to buy him another pair. Argh! They were never even worn. Maybe it'll turn up by the time Ian is 4yrs and a size 1. LOL

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


These kids have NOTHING on my son. I found this video online of a screaming contest. Ian could outdo them easily. LOL Check it out! He was mad that I wouldn't give him more to snack on. He'd already had a piece of toast and a banana. He just has a temper! Click the pic to see the video.

I swear CPS will be called on my one day bc people will think I'm killing him. He can scream NON-STOP for 20min- I swear. He did it in the car just yesterday for absolutely no reason other than he was mad that we had dropped dh off to pick up the van. I'd sell him if he wasn't so cute. (Just kidding!) Do you know how distracting that screaming is in the car?! Ugh. He's Jeckyl & Hyde wrapped in a 21mo old child. Lord help me when he's a teenager! Once again, I have a headache. Calgon, take me away!!! Dh already said he's coming home to spend time with the boys tonight so I plan on curling up in bed and catching up on some Tivo'd shows!

Monday, March 05, 2007

So much/nothing to say

I haven't blogged in a week. Wow. So much has happened and yet nothing much has happened.

Last weekend we left for Disney for my birthday weekend. We arrived at the Polynesian resort on Saturday and checked in. The hotel is beautiful. It took us a few minutes to get our bearings since the resort is so big. There are beautiful gardens and waterfalls, a beach overlooking the other hotels and the Magic Kingdom/Castle and fun pools. It's within walking distance to the Ticket/Transportation Center (faster than taking the monorail to the T&TC) and there's a walking path to the Grand Floridian as well. The rooms are large and spacious- much more so than the mod hotel we stayed at in the fall- Coronado Springs(which was a great hotel).
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Sunday we got up and went to the Ohana breakfast where we got to meet Lilo, Stitch, Mickey and Pluto. It's a family style breakfast and they bring out SO much food! I ate so much bacon that morning. LOL They give out maracas to the kids for a parade around the restaurant with the characters. Logan got in front of Lilo instead of behind so he was either leading the parade or really, really far behind Pluto. LOL
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We went to the Magic Kingdom afterward and rode a few things. I also got to meet my gf from Michigan whom I've "known" for like 3-4 years and her boys. Logan and her son Adam got along great. They even happened to be wearing the same shirts when they met. We didn't get much time together though as Ian was cranky so we decided to meet the next day (Monday). Alas, it wasn't meant to be this time.
Monday, Ian woke me up at 5:30am throwing up. Ugh. It lasted until 11am when we checked out of the hotel, cancelled my bday dinner ressie and went home. He ended up sleeping the entire way home. I sat in the 3rd row to make sure he was okay and napped myself! Since we did come home early, I got to go to my MNI and enjoy myself with friends for a little while.
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Tuesday was uneventful until Tuesday night when he got sick again. Wed at 3am I woke up with it and it lasted 5 hours. It was horrible. I had to call dh home from work bc I was in no condition to care for the boys. I got some sleep and I'm glad I was better bc Ian was up sick again that night. I had to miss my bday dinner with my gf that night too. That's 2 bday dinners in one week! Thursday night Logan was sick a couple of times and dh had a fever Thursday and Friday. I was so ready for it to be over by then. We actually got some sleep Friday/Sat/Sunday though so besides having colds, I am praying the stomach flu part is over with.

I did get a new(er) car on Monday night though. Ian was feeling better so we made a trip out to Tarpon Springs to see a car and ended up bringing it home. It's a 2003 Honda Pilot EX with Leather/dvd. It's Evergreen Pearl and really nice. I thought it would be a lot roomier than it is for an 8 passenger car. You'd be hard pressed to put adults in the 3rd row. I'm just used to the van I guess which has a lot more room. We are keeping my van though so we have an alternate. Dh is now in audio mode- switching speakers in the 3 cars, getting a new dvd system (new car one doesn't work) for my truck, new stereo in my truck, etc. Now I can rock(bass) out in my new truck too. Hehehe.
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