Saturday, October 27, 2007

Pregnancy update

So I'm 19 weeks now! Only 1 week to the halfway mark. I've had a cold for the past couple of weeks and with it came one of the most unaPEEling parts of pregnancy. One I never had to deal with before- peeing when sneezing or coughing too hard! Ugh!!! Seriously, I do my Kegels. Guess I better start doing more!

I did feel the baby kick outside my tummy the other night. That was very cool! It hasn't happened since but I still feel a lot of wiggling going on in there.

There is a big advantage to being pregnant and that's that you can send your hubby out for donuts at 9pm and he'll go willingly. I guess it could be that they sounded really good to him at that moment too.

And finally, despite the late night donuts and McDonalds I've had recently, I've still only gained approx 12-13lbs. Yea! I know it will go up quickly in the 3rd trimester but at least I know I'll lose it once he/she is born- or most of it at least. I lost all my pg weight the last 2 times within 6-8 weeks of giving birth. Hopefully the trend will continue!

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