Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Loooser! Slap an *L* on my forehead!

Yes that's me with the big *L* on my forehead. I attempted to work out tonight. Bwahaha! I barely got thru 20 min of The Biggest Loser dvd I own. I was dying with the first 5 minute warm up thanks to those freaking lunges. I had to modify the jumping jacks as I was so out of breath by the 10th one or so. Stepping and kicking- not so bad. Punching I can do. Then came more lunges. O.M.G. I was done. Sooo done. I tried. I really did. I did several reps on both legs.

My thighs are killing me. I don't feel it in my butt at all though which is where I thought I was supposed to be feeling it. My arms are slightly sore. I could not finish the workout. I'm so out of shape it isn't even funny. I'm not sure I'll be able to move tomorrow. Heck, I just got up for a second from my chair and my legs were screaming at me. I think I'll go back to my WATP videos for a while or get on the Wii Fit next time. I give props to those TBL contestants. That's hard work!!


Heather said...

Hey, at least you did SOMETHINGS! My legs are killing me today and I didn't do anything except lug around Jason. BTW, my Moby is in the mail. I'm excited!

Debbie said...

Good for you for doing however long you did the routine for. It really takes a little time to build up the muscle. I belong to a gym because otherwise, at home its hard for me to motivate myself. But if I stop going for a little while due to sickness or just day-to-day things, I feel it...I should bring you to one of my classes, as a guest!! I bet you would love it...

Scarlett said...

It just takes time to build up your endurance. Congratulations on doing something. I haven't exercised at all in months... I'm sure that WHEN I end up diabetic, I will have to start at least walking to help with my blood sugar. And after the baby is born, I'm planning on doing a lot of walking to help myself heal and get my strength back. Maybe we should start a walking group this fall?

Anyway, keep up the good work. Anything is better than nothing, and it will get easier and easier if you keep doing it.

Melodie said...

Ooh, Scarlett, sign me up for the walking group! I know I'll need it!

Karlise, at least you did something, right? I'm so out of shape right now that my legs are even getting weak, and they've always been my strongest muscles.