Saturday, August 29, 2009

Pudding baby!

Mmm chocolate pudding. I made up some No Pudge brownies tonight and a batch of Jello chocolate pudding. Layer pudding with some crumbled brownie on top and add some gummi worms and you have Worms 'N Dirt. The boys love this stuff when we go to Mimi's Cafe. (Yes, I know the *dirt* is usually chocolate cookie/Oreo crumbs but I didn't have any and who doesn't love brownies?)

I gave Bella a taste of pudding earlier and she loved it so when I gave her some in a bowl tonight I knew she'd go to town. First thing she said which surprised me was "Mmm"! Who knew?! She's a smart little thing! I knew this would make a great photo op. She went straight into the bathtub afterward!

This was partly my fault. I was trying to get her to grip the spoon lower and ended up getting it on her lip instead of in her mouth.




Is it all gone?

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