Saturday, September 16, 2006

Birthday weekend!

We had Logan's 4th birthday party with our family today. He had a good time except for fighting with his older cousin constantly. ugh! He got some cool new toys that I'm sure he'll be fighting with his brother about in the morning. LOL One of them is a Cars (the movie) race track. Ian loves this thing and tries so hard to get the car off the track (it automatically runs). He got some books, games, clothes and even a savings bond. Yay! For food, we went with a "nacho bar". Everyone got to make their own nachos or in my case, a nacho salad(no chips). I did eat a tiny piece of Logan's cake this afternoon and a bigger piece of the anniv. cake I bought for my parents tonight(it had chocolate icing. Yum!). Overall I don't think I did too bad today. It helped having healthier choices. Here are a couple of pics of my cake. I did one with flash so you could see the color and one without so you could see detail. Moving this down so my slider doesn't get in the way....scroll down........................................................................................................

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One more party to go. We're having cookie pops at the park Monday with his friends. I'll be baking most of the day tomorrow I think(with the exception of going to visit my friend Vickie!).

Can I say I'm so frustrated with potty training and I know I need to back off, but it's so hard! Logan is pee trained but he's pooping constantly (not one big poop like he was doing). It's all day long in his underwear. I'm tired of washing underwear! Today he put a pullup on bc I didn't feel like dealing with it. He still peed on the potty okay so maybe I should stick with pullups for a while? While we were at the park, he pooped in his undies too. Ugh- I hate PT!!

{Supporting dh}
Am I an unsupportive wife? Dh really wants me to go to a conference with him on the 30th. It's in Odessa from 9am-3pm. Okay, I'm still nursing a child who nurses 3x in that time span. Yes, he'll be okay with out at least 2 of them and so will I but I told dh I won't go if I can't nurse him first thing in the morning(we'd have to leave by 8am {UGH} and Ian usually isn't up until that time. It's not that I don't want to go (okay, really I DON'T want to go!) but after Ian sleeps all night, I HAVE to nurse in the morning. I was so stressed last night that I cried after he asked me to go to this thing. He has no idea of that though. I don't know why I was crying- I can only assume it was the stress of the party, getting Halloween stuff together, being overly tired, etc. There's also finding someone to come over that early and watch them. Plus I REALLY don't want to go listen to these "motivational" speakers but I feel like I have to to support him in this career move. I keep thinking about Robin McGraw's new book and how she's supported her dh in everything and I want to be like that. I just don't want to be bored silly or worrying about my boys. I hate being away from them unless they are with dh. I don't leave them with anyone. Yes, I'm an overprotective mom and I have no shame in it. My boys are my life. I'm still undecided if I'm going or not, but my ticket is least if I go, I get a new outfit out of it! LOL

Speaking of my boys- My Dad gave me the best compliment today. He said I was a very good mom. I also got many compliments on my weight loss but hearing that from my Dad was the best!

{Season premier week!!}
Yippeee!!!!! I love this time of year. LOL And thank goodness for TIVO! There are so many shows I watch. I'm anxious for Lost, Grey's Anatomy, ER, Ghost Whisperer, Gilmore Girls and 7th Heaven to name a few. Survivor started last week and was good. There are a few new shows I'd like to see like Ugly Betty and Runaway too. TIVO rawks!

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