Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2009 Goals

I never set New Year's resolutions. Resolutions just seem destined for failure. I am setting some goals though. At least goals are something I can work towards.

1.) Lose all my baby weight. This means losing a good 30 pounds or more. I lost over 70 before so I know I can do it again. I want to fit back into my size 10s and I sure wouldn't complain if I went lower. ;)

2.) Drink less soda and more water. I only drink 2 diet sodas a day but I'd like to cut at least 1 out. Good thing is that since the cost has gone up so much I refuse to pay anything but a really good sale price for them.

3.) Purge, purge, purge. Dh wants to build a walk-in closet so I need to get rid of all that crap in front of our existing closet. Plus we want to finally fix the floor in our room.

4.) Volunteer in Ian's classroom when he starts pre-k next fall. I'd love to volunteer for Logan but his teacher always says she doesn't need anything.

5.) Get dh to finish the baseboards in the house, finish Bella's room (touch up painting, curtain rod), finish the boys' room (baseboards, new outlet covers, decorations) and paint the back of the house. We have almost everything to do it but it just never gets done!

6.) Hang out with my friends more often. We don't see each other nearly enough! Of course, I'll need their help with that too. ;)

7.) Take Bella and Ian to the park more often. We never go anywhere anymore.

8.) Use more coupons. I keep forgetting to cut them out!


Working Mama said...

Amen! Those are great goals & I totally agree with you...I think the whole idea of new year's resolutions is a set up for "most" people. I am sure there are those people who set them & meet them but the whole resolution thing eludes me. Goals...now, those I can handle. Love yours!

Karen said...

Father Mike talked about Resolutions in church today. He said that the problem with resolutions for most people is that they don't set goals they set wishes. He said the difference between a resolution and a wish is that with a resolution you actually have an action plan and a wish is just someplace you want to be. I hope you succeed with yours and we'll see you at the park, lol.

Melodie said...

Sounds like a good plan. Katie & I would love to meet you at the park sometime.