Saturday, November 01, 2008


Our night started with the boys bugging us. Is it dark yet? Can we got ToTing yet? Is it dark enough yet? We let them get their costumes on for pictures but being they couldn't sit down in them, they had to take them off again until it was time to go. We did hit more houses this year than usual. The boys even braved the house with the graveyard, scary music, fog machine, and strobe light only to find they had gone out ToT'ing and weren't home!

Halfway thru, Logan once again started in on the "can we go home now?" spiel. His candy was "too heavy". My response, if you can't carry it, you can't eat it. Sorry bud. I've got Bella in my arms and a flashlight too. There were a LOT of homes with no lights on, a few I wasn't sure about (had decorations up but no porch light) and a few with lights and noone answering. Seriously, how long have kids been ToT'ing and you don't know to turn OFF your light if you aren't participating? The boys got plenty though. I already raided their candy for the chocolate. Sshhh.

It was a beautiful night too. Not hot or humid. It was perfect. Bella fell asleep (way past her bedtime) part of the way. I had to try and keep her head from flopping. I couldn't wear her with her tutu on. She also decided to try eating her tulle and ended up spitting up a few times. Lovely. I had to rinse her tutu out when we got home. It was rather gross. She is such a good baby. She never fussed at all despite being out so late. In fact, when we came back inside she was smiling and giggling at me.

So without further ado, here are our Halloween 2008 pictures!

Julie, it's hard to see, but you may recognize this shirt. She was wearing the pumpkin socks too! I already had a black headband and found the bows at Target's $1 spot.

I picked up the cape and hat at Kmart while getting diapers. I had the spiderweb stockings leftover from a clearance sale from who knows when.

The boys got a lot of compliments on their Lego costumes. One lady thought Ian was a stoplight though. Hmmm good idea for next year!

Bella got her fair share of Ooh's and aah's too.





Karen said...

Very cute pics! Bella is adorable and the Lego costumes are awesome! Looks like everyone had a fun night.

Heather said...

Good job on the costumes!

jennifer said...

The Lego costumes looked great Karlise. Job well done!

Working Mama said...

really cute - the legos costumes came out great! very original!!!

Holly said...

Very cute costumes, on even cuter kiddos! Maggie wanted to know if the legos fit together! lol