Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Just put me in the oven because I'm stuffed! Way too much food but man was it good! Everyone has gone home now and Bella is in bed. And I get to do it all again on Saturday!

Bella had her first taste of pumpkin pie, turkey and gravy, cranberries and who know what else. I think she really liked the pumpkin pie. I have pictures to prove it! She only had little tastes so hopefully there will be no upset tummy tonight.

Logan was funny. He kept coming back for a piece of this pie or that pie. Oh and I want to try that cobbler and this cobbler. (Yes we had a LOT of dessert!! 2 pumpkin, 1 apple, 1 shaker lemon (blech!! came out bitter), blackberry cobbler & peach cobbler). And don't forget the whipped cream. My Aunt told him to say *When* as she was squirting it and she kept going and going and going and he never said when! LOL He also started a new tradition. Instead of the blessing he (and this was on his own) asked everyone what they were thankful for. It was really sweet. It was hilarious when he told Ian that Ian should be thankful for him (Logan).

It was a nice day and I'm thankful I have a great family, awesome friends, a roof over our heads, food in our bellies and we are all healthy and happy.

After Dinner Nap

Our new photo wall and my garland

General silliness before dinner

Oohhh what's that?

I think I'll try it.

Mmm this is good!

I want some more. How do I open this thing?

Forget it! I'll chew thru the top if you won't give me more.

More desserts!

1 comment:

Working Mama said...

Your photo wall looks BEAUTIFUL! I LOVE, LOVE the pics of Bella trying to eat the pies - priceless! Happy T-Day, belated!