Thursday, June 05, 2008


I finally got Bella's birth certificates in the mail and her name is spelled wrong!! Dh was in charge of looking over the BC paperwork and he swears it was right which means the state screwed up and I'll be out $40 + postage after it's all said and done. Plus the time to fill out the amendment form and then I have to go to the SS office so I can get her SS card fixed too. What a pain!


Amanda said...

That totally stinks! Extra time consuming foot work for you. When Andon was born the vital statistics lady at the hospital typed Andon's name wrong on the final application. Thankfully Jason caught it. Had he not we would of gone through the same thing. As silly as it sounds she didn't want to admit it was her typo error until she went back to her office and looked at the info I filled out.

Scarlett said...

How on earth did they spell Bella??? I can't imagine getting it wrong...

Scarlett said...

or was it Carlise?