Thursday, August 28, 2008

What the hell.....

Was I thinking? It's the end of hot-as-Hades August and I *walked* to go get Logan this afternoon pushing the double stroller. It's not a leisurely 5 minute walk- it's 1 mile. Not only is it hot as HELL but I had to push that stroller UP a few hills. O.M.G. I stunk by the time I got to school and even poor Bella was sweating. She had cute little sweat dots all over her little nose. I didn't bring any water so we were dying of thirst. (I just checked the weather and it's 95 degrees out!!!!!!! Somebody slap me.)

Halfway home, Logan was whining and crying because he had gnats flying around his face and he kept slapping himself. Then I heard from him, "I can't walk one. more. step." Oh the drama! We walk much longer at Disney but this isn't as much fun! Let me tell you, walking into our air conditioned house never felt so good. We all took a cool shower (it's so hot out that our water isn't even cold) when we got in. Logan has tumbling tonight and I know we'll both sweat it out again but I couldn't go there smelling like that. Yuck!!

Needless to say, unless something drastic happens, we won't be walking to school again until it cools off. And I mean, it better be in the 70s or below or REALLY low humidity.


Debbie said...

You are a better person than me to try that now...Elizabeth has been constantly asking me and I said once the temp drops, yes, by all means...

Heather said...

LOL, I can barely handle the 5 minute walk to school at 8:25AM! You are brave!

Working Mama said...

I have no idea what you were thinking - a mile isn't all that far but in the heat of the day with the sun blaring down, August temps and heat coming off the road. You were clearing out of your mind! LOL!

Melodie said...

You made a mistake, that's all. Now, if you do it again, then you have a problem.