It was more crowded than I thought it would be. I'm hoping tomorrow will be the travel day for most people. We've gone the past 2 Labor Days and it's been very low crowds so we're crossing our fingers for tomorrow. We didn't get to do the Toy Story ride. By the time we got there around 11ish, all the fastpasses were gone and the wait time was 80 minutes. Later in the day, the wait time was 110 minutes! Ouch. Even with the crowds, other shows weren't too bad. Dh and the boys saw Indiana Jones while I went to feed Bella (it's too loud at the show for her). Dh and Logan hopped on Star Tours which said 25min wait but they were in and out in probably 15-20. Logan and I went on the Tower of Terror (my fave ride!!!). The wait time said 30min and we were done way before that. We maybe waited 15min? So times were off but in a good way! The TOT was awesome as usual. I got to sit in the back and if you ever get to go, you must sit in the back row. I swear you get more airtime when you drop. It's the best!
We got to see the Pixar Block Party Bash and I wasn't all that impressed. I'd much rather see a parade with the floats going by slowly so I can see everything. This all bunches together and stops in sections of the parade line so you really only get to see one float in front of you. The others quickly pass you by before stopping in front of *their* crowd. It's hard to explain. You can kinda see what I mean by watching THIS. Here's a cute video of both of my boys dancing at the end though. I was surprised that Ian got up and danced.
Oh did you want to see more pictures? Of course I have them!
Look at these teeny little Crocs I tried on Bella. Aren't they adorable? They are the smallest size available and they are still way too big. She has little feet I guess. I didn't get them though. I was afraid she's just kick one off and poof- there goes $$.
From the Muppet store: I like this idea!
Can you read it?
Indiana Jones shop
Logan's "scared" face. LOL
I think they need to fire their mouse uhh...housekeepers.
Be back tomorrow with more Disney fun!